When it comes to websites, you’ll agree with me that WordPress is one of the most popular choices for content marketers and bloggers like us. I use it and many of the most successful marketers, bloggers, and business owners I know use it, too. In fact, the usage statistics for WordPress might surprise you. They certainly surprised me. Here’s an …
If You Were Twitter, What Would You Do?
Here are the key issues you’re facing: The market’s looking for user growth where there just isn’t any – Twitter’s barely seen any growth in its US audience for the past six quarters (even a slight decline in the latest numbers), while its international user base has only grown by 40m in the last seven quarters going back to Q2 …
How to Build Up Your Influence on Social Media
By using social media, we make ourselves active and constant participants in a parallel economy that has permeated into virtually every aspect of our lives. The social economy is driven by its own markers of social currency, like recognition, status and attention from others, but its main commodity is content. Exchanging content, therefore, is the way to attain social currency, andthat …
So long social media: the kids are opting out of the online public square
When my digital media students are sitting, waiting for class to start and staring at their phones, they are not checking Facebook. They’re not checking Instagram, or Pinterest or Twitter. No, they’re catching up on the news of the day by checking out their friends’ Stories on Snapchat, chatting in Facebook Messenger or checking in with their friends in a …
Does WordPress Email Marketing Actually Work? Putting it to the Test
Platforms come and go, sure. But one thing that’s stayed in use since the early Internet days is email. Email is here to stay and its continued relevance has allowed many businesses to use it for marketing purposes. The question is, however, does email marketing actually work? How many sites have you visited recently that have asked for your email address? A …
The Risks Associated with Social Media Marketing
No matter the path you decide to follow in business, you’re always at risk of running into some road blocks, legal troubles, PR crises, and a thousand other negative consequences. Most businesses are well aware of this and understand that the risk-reward scenario insists they must move through the minefield in order to achieve success. However, with social media still …
The Women of Social Media: 12 Gurus to Follow on Twitter
Looking to launch your career in social media, or want to keep up on the best marketing practices for your own company? We know the best way to get inspiration is to head straight to the source, so we’ve pulled together a list of 12 smart, savvy social media women you should be following on Twitter. Take a look, then …
4 Awesome Tools For Creating Amazing Social Media Images
First, let’s get one thing straight. Yоu dоn’t nееd tо bе а grарhіс dеsіgnеr tо сrеаtе grеаt іmаgеs fоr sосіаl mеdіа. Еvеn іf уоu dоn’t hаvе а сrеаtіvе bоnе іn уоur bоdу уоu саn mаkе grеаt іmаgеs, аnd уоu саn dо іt аll іn а frасtіоn оf thе tіmе thаt аn ехреrt mіght tаkе. Тhе sесrеt lіеs іn thе tооls …
10 Types of Visual Social Media Posts That Get Shared Like Crazy
Do you want double your social engagement and get your content shared like crazy? For small businesses and brands everywhere, posting multiple images on social media has been proven to have massive traction It seems simple right? But if it was so easy wouldn’t everybody do it? Like most good things, in life – there’s a catch. And it isn’t …
As one of the leading creative agencies in Manchester we are well aware that there has been a huge buzz around social media over the last few years, especially as a digital marketing tool for small businesses. Conventional wisdom would have us believe that every business should be using social media, with a presence on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn as …