10 Types of Visual Social Media Posts That Get Shared Like Crazy

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Do you want double your social engagement and get your content shared like crazy?

For small businesses and brands everywhere, posting multiple images on social media has been proven to have massive traction

It seems simple right? But if it was so easy wouldn’t everybody do it?

Like most good things, in life – there’s a catch. And it isn’t not needing a huge budget or incredible graphic design skills.

When it comes to content creation, many people make this simple mistake: they add more visuals just for the sake of it. This is a basic approach. Smart content marketers create visual content that reach people’s emotions – content with real psychological impact.

If you’re not a graphic designer or artist, don’t freak out. I’m going to walk you through you ten types of powerful visuals that are easy to create and can double your social media engagement. Let’s get started.

1. High quality stock photography

Beware: your fans will smell a cheesy stock photo from a million miles away. Not only will it lead them to discredit your professionalism as a brand, but will deter them from wanting to share your post.

On the other hand, high quality stock photography can do the complete opposite. As well as making your brand seem more credible, high quality and relevant images help establish your brand’s reputation and boost engagement. If you’re looking for original content, check out this handy article that lists and rates over 70 free stock photography websites.

image: http://www.jeffbullas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/types-of-visual-social-media-posts-1.jpg

types of visual social media posts

Image: Elite Daily

Take a look at this post on Elite Daily’s Facebook page. By using relevant and high quality stock photography, the band achieves a “wow factor” which immediately tempts the viewer to click through to the blog.

After all, everything your audience shares on social media will reflect back on themselves. You can’t blame them for wanting to look good, but you can choose the right images to make it possible.

2. Screenshots

You’ve probably heard the old adage “seeing is believing”. In terms of visual content, the psychological lesson here is that when people can see something for themselves, they’re more likely to trust the source – which develops its credibility.

image: http://www.jeffbullas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/types-of-visual-social-media-posts-2.jpg

types of visual social media posts

Image: Buffer

In this Twitter post Buffer gauge interest around one of its growth experiments by showing two screenshots of an A/B tested email. By doing so, Buffer are able to immediately impress the viewer which intrigues them to read on.

The text used to accompany the post is short yet effective: providing a hook for the article but letting the image become the compelling factor.

3. Infographics

The most basic way to understand why visual content is so effective on social media is to consider that the brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text. When we’re scrolling through hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of posts, tweets and updates – images are simply easier to digest.

Infographics take this concept to the next level, allowing brands to capture complex pieces of information and turn them into engaging social media posts.

Notice how Charity World Vision have created a Pinterest board dedicated solely to its infographics. By doing so, they’re able to share large chunks of information in a single visual post.

image: http://www.jeffbullas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/types-of-visual-social-media-posts-3.jpg

types of visual social media posts

Image: World Vision

By following design guidelines to ensure your infographics are easily readable and visually engaging, this is a great opportunity to increase impact beyond what a single image could achieve.

4. Personal photographs

The best way to connect with your audience on a deeply authentic level is to show them that you’re human, no matter how successful you are. If your business or brand doesn’t have a human face, people will find it hard to relate to.

To execute this personal element in your visual social posts, add snaps of your CEO or management staff. In this example taken from fashion retailer Nastygal’s Instagram, the brand’s CEO Sophia Amoruso is seen at a book signing of her recent book #GIRLBOSS.

Not only does this boost interest around the book, it builds the authenticity of the brand. Look at her: she’s a boss!

image: http://www.jeffbullas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/types-of-visual-social-media-posts-4.jpg

types of visual social media posts

Image: Nastygal

5. Behind the scenes shots of your workplace

Another way to connect  people to the human aspect of your brand is to show behind the scenes shots of your workplace. This exclusive insight fosters a personal connection with your fans and strengthens their brand loyalty.

This particular type of imagery is more suitable for Instagram and Facebook, which are often considered the more “social” mediums. Designer Jen Gotch does this well on her instagram account by regularly featuring quirky shots of team activities.

image: http://www.jeffbullas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/types-of-visual-social-media-posts-5.jpg

types of visual social media posts

Image: Jen Gotch

These images give the impression that the team are “real people” and even encourage fans to consider Jen as a friend.

6. Quote graphics

A throwback to those motivational posters in your school counselor’s office – a quote graphic is still very beloved, and highly sharable. In fact, quote graphics work on every social media platform, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

The three things to consider with a quote graphic are the quote, the font, and the imagery. Go for a short quote with words that are easily digestible. Consider a font that’s readable on smaller screens because a lot more people are viewing through mobile devices these days.

Be sure to find an image that captures the spirit of the quote without competing with it for attention. The image should serve as a meditation space for the mind to go while its considering the quote.

image: http://www.jeffbullas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/types-of-visual-social-media-posts-6.jpg

types of visual social media postsWritten by Anna Guerrero. To read the full article, please click here. MyDigiBrand is a boutique website development and digital marketing firm in San Diego, California. We help our clients create powerful and engaging online brands. For more information, please visit our website at www.mydigibrand.com.

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