This is often the most challenging part of our projects, as MyDigiBrand relies heavily on our clients to provide their website content. Website content is a critical element of success in creating a powerful and effective online brand. Your website content should be as detailed as possible, and include a lot of ‘keywords’. Keywords are simply words that are generally used by people to search for your business on Internet search engines. Although MyDigiBrand does not provide content writing services at this time, our team does review and edit content submitted by clients to maximize keyword value.
In general, most business websites should contain the following pages of information:
- Home page
- About page
- Bio page
- Products & Services page
- Product/Service details page
- Pricing page
- Testimonials page
- Frequently asked questions (FAQ) page
- Contact page
As a guideline, a general overview of what these pages should contain is provided below.
Home Page
The home page is the default page of your website, the first page your site visitors will see. Its purpose is to gain the site visitors interest in your business in as short amount of time as possible. It should include the following information in paragraph form:
- a general overview of your business and the services it provides
- a brief market/industry overview
- key information that would capture the site visitors attention and want to read more
About Page
The about page provides more detailed information about your company, and should include the following information in paragraph form:
- mission statement
- history of the company
- overview of management team experience
Bio Page
This bio page provides detailed experience about the business owners and key management team members. Its purpose is to gain trust and credibility in your business, and should include the following information in paragraph form, for each of the key members:
- members name, position in the company and responsibilities
- overview of members experience within your industry
- members training, formal education, certifications and licenses
- a profile picture of the key member
Products & Services Page
The services page provides general information about the products and services that your company provides. Its purpose is to inform your site visitors about exactly what you offer them, and should include the following information in paragraph form, for each of the products or services you offer:
- name of the product or service
- general overview of the product or service, and its benefits to your customers
- a picture of the product or service
Product/Service Details Page
Having specific pages for each product and/or service is optional. This is usually only applicable to companies whose products and/or services are more technical or complex in nature, and require additional information to better describe it to potential customers. Each page of product/service details should include the following:
- name of the product or service
- detailed overview of the product or service, include specifications
- a picture of the product or service
Pricing Page
Having a pricing page is optional, and generally used by business and/or consulting services. Should you elect to have a pricing page, it should include the following, in a list format:
- a listing of each of the products and/or services that you provide
- the price for each of the products and/or services that you provide
Testimonials Page
The testimonials page provides testimonials and feedback from your satisfied customers. Its purpose is to build credibility and share your business’ reputation. It should include the following information, for each testimonial:
- full testimonial, word for word, from your customer
- the customer’s name, business and/or location
FAQ Page
The frequently asked questions page provides answers to questions that are commonly asked by your potential customers. Its purpose is to build credibility, by showing site visitors that you are keenly aware of customers concerns about products and/or services that you provide. It’s also a great way to minimize back and forth communications when closing deals. It should include the following, in list form:
- the question
- the answer
Contact Page
The contact page provides pertinent content information about your company. It should include the following:
- company name
- all company addresses
- primary company phone/fax, for each location
- primary company email address
Submitting Content
Your website content should be submitted in a Word document, with each section notated to avoid confusion. Please email your website content to
To view a good example of how to submit your website content, please login to the Client area of the MyDigiBrand website, and click on the ‘Sample Business Content’ document.
Disclaimer: At MyDigiBrand, we assist small businesses and individuals with establishing and maintaining a powerful and engaging online presence via a strategic combination of a variety of third party products, tools and services. MyDigiBrand is proud to provide our clients with the information contained herein to assist them with managing and maintaining the services we have provided for them. Unfortunately, due to the sheer magnitude of features that are available through these third party services, MyDigiBrand cannot and does not provide training to our clients beyond what is available in these How To’s.
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