Listed below are some basic social media tips that generally apply to all social media platforms. The social media landscape is constantly evolving, and new techniques, tips and strategies are always being developed. Please be sure to follow MyDigiBrand on our social media to stay current on the social media landscape.
- Be consistent, not sporadic. It’s actually more harmful to start engaging people on social media, and then to disappear for short periods of time. People will start following you with the expectation of having access to information that they want or need. Don’t leave them hanging.
- Post on a regular basis. There are many schools of thought on this, and MyDigiBrand subscribes to what we like to call the relevancy theory. This simply means that by posting relevant content at least 3-4 times per week, we are viewed as a valuable resource to both our social media fans and the search engines.
- Hashtag, hashtag, hashtag. Hashtag on ALL social media outlets. If they aren’t using hashtags, they will soon. MyDigiBrand was hashtagging on Facebook 60 days before they started utilizing them.
- Be engaging in your posts. Stir the pot and the conversation, so to speak.
- Respond quickly. You should always respond to any feedback, positive or negative, within 24 hours minimum.
- One of the most common misconceptions about posting to your social media profiles is that you are only communicating with those who are currently following you. This is completely FALSE. By posting relevant content, you are also attracting people who are seeking out the information that you have to provide, and trying to get them to Like and follow your business!
Disclaimer: At MyDigiBrand, we assist small businesses and individuals with establishing and maintaining a powerful and engaging online presence via a strategic combination of a variety of third party products, tools and services. MyDigiBrand is proud to provide our clients with the information contained herein to assist them with managing and maintaining the services we have provided for them. Unfortunately, due to the sheer magnitude of features that are available through these third party services, MyDigiBrand cannot and does not provide training to our clients beyond what is available in these How To’s.
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